Saturday, August 14, 2010

Chipmunk Cheeks

This summer has been wonderful and full of many exciting things. I had my first internship, spent a week at the beach, turned 22, and most importantly, got engaged. This week however, was definitely a week I could've skipped--the week to end my summer vacation. I spent my last week of summertime cooped up in the house...with chipmunk cheeks.

My dentist has recommended I get my wisdom teeth out for a little over a year now. When I went back in July, though, he STRONGLY suggested that now is the time. I was a little wary, but then he said something about getting them out before I got married and while I was still on my parents' insurance and blah blah blah...I was convinced. (Sorry Mom and Dad). So Thursday, I went to the oral surgeon and had all four wisdom teeth removed. To say that the whole thing went smoothly is an understatement. I had a great doctor (of course he was great, he was from IU), and I didn't feel a single thing until the last tooth was coming out. Even then, I only felt a little pressure on the bottom side of my jaw. On the way home, though, the numbing started to wear off, and that was no fun. So since Thursday, these have been my best friends:

I have never been one to take drugs, legal or illegal, but I have been at the mercy of these guys to keep me comfortable. So far, I have had no side effects or symptoms, but I HAVE had some of the most bland foods in my life. Sorry applesauce, I love you, but I'm going to have to boycott you for a little while now. Here has been my diet until today when I finally tried big person food again.

Thanks Mom and Grandma and Kyler for taking care of me, and thanks to the Grays for feeding me grown-up food again. I guess now that I'm getting all better, I can think about going back to Bloomington for my senior year. What a way to end the most wonderful summer vacation!


  1. Ahhh...the wisdom teeth removal. I vaguely remember singing and dancing to Janet Jackson in our van with Kyler in the backseat due to the drugs.

    Hope all is well down in B-Town!!

  2. You are still cute as can be, even with your chipmunk cheeks! And you are welcome on my couch any time!!! Love you!

  3. Wisdom teeth removal stories are the best...I remember falling asleep standing up. Apparently my mother caught me and knew I was alright because I was snoring...glad it went well for you!
