Friday, December 2, 2011

Leif Grunderson

Kyler has been talking about getting a new tv since last year. His 20-inch tv has been providing our entertainment during our married life. My tv is 15-inch and has been collecting dust in our bedroom. I love to watch tv in bed, but the bed is so far from the tv that we can't really see what's going on on-screen.

We were going to get a new one as soon as we got back from our honeymoon. Then we were waiting until we moved to Columbus so we wouldn't be too rough with it. Then we were waiting until Labor Day because we thought some stores might be having sales. Then we thought Black Friday would have bigger sales. And then our computer died 4 days before our big tv purchase, putting the tv on hold again. Bummer. Until tonight...

Kyler has been incessantly researching tvs since August (preparing for the Labor Day sale). I could probably recite in my sleep exactly what he wanted. And we finally got it!

Once we decided we were definitely buying the tv tonight, I had to make sure the size was right. Last December Kyler wanted 55". Eventually we realized that was a massive tv and 47" would be just fine. And after visiting some friends at a Bible study and seeing their 42", I tried to convince Kyler to go smaller. And I almost had him convinced until...he realized the 47" fit in our existing "tv space".

I had the pretty genius idea (if I do say so myself) to try to replicate the sizes on the wall before making a committment. Holy cow. At first we just put the two new tv sizes up there, but for fun we put Kyler's 20" square up for comparison. Either way we went, we were going to be living a life of luxury.

Kyler did a whole bunch more research before we hit the stores. And once we got to the final store, they were running a sale better than we expected. SCORE! And Kyler was hopping up and down right in front of the floor models. He was like a kid on Christmas morning. Smiling ear to ear.

We decided to name our new guy. Kyler picked it: Leif Grunderson. Leif for short. LG for shorter. Get it? LG. Oh man, Life's Good.

We assembled it immediately and probably not nearly as fast as Kyler would've preferred.

And he's up! Hi. Can you see me?

And he hasn't moved since.

Seriously. Hasn't. Moved.

P.S. Jeopardy looks so awesome on Leif. For anyone who doesn't know, I'm as blind as bat. Probably more blind. And Kyler joked that I would be able to watch Jeopardy without my contacts in. Ha! Sadly, that's so not a possibility.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you guys got your TV!!! Guess I'll have to come up with another Christmas gift idea...

    Hope you'll be able to pull Kyler away to come visit us once in awhile... LOve you!
