Thursday, April 24, 2014

One Month

Tomorrow our Baby Abey will be month old, but today he had his one month well appointment.  As anticipated, he's a healthy growing boy. He actually wasn't as big as we thought he might be. His legs have outgrown every one-piece newborn outfit, but the body and arms still fit perfectly. I'm in denial so I haven't put him in 0-3 months clothes yet. I just make sure his outfit doesn't include footies.

At one month, here are his stats:
Height: 21.25" (30th percentile)
Weight: 8lb 11oz (20th percentile)
Head: 15" (75th percentile)

He also got a shot today. I was mentally prepared for lots of screaming and flailing of arms, which is totally out of character for him. However, he handled it like a champ. His face turned beat red, he let out one long, loud wail, and when I picked him up, he immediately fell asleep in my arms.

Apparently he's got quite the noggin on him. Just recently we've been noticing exciting little changes with our little dude. He's making eye contact and following our movements with his eyes, and he's just starting to smile at us. Sometimes it's completely random, but sometimes I can't help but think it's intentional. (Mommy's pretty funny sometimes, that smile just had to be real). He loves sitting up and has a strong neck on him.

He's not quite sleeping through the night, or maybe not even close, but we're sleeping more and more the older he gets. Right now he's going 4-5 hours between feedings, which once he's actually fed and changed and rocked back to sleep, that means I'm getting 3-4 hours of sleep at a time. As his belly gets bigger, I'm hoping that means more sleep for Mama. On week nights when Kyler has to work the next day, I tackle all the changings and feedings (obviously). I can only think of two nights that I was just desperate for help. One was the first night we were home, and back then he wasn't eating at all. The other was just a couple nights ago when he was inconsolable nearly all night, sleeping in 20 minute spurts. THAT makes for a long night, let me tell ya. Other than that, he's a very content baby.

We don't have a set schedule yet, but I'd say we've fallen into a pretty predictable rhythm. We sleep, wake up, change diaper, eat, do some sort of activity (tummy time, swing, look out the window, listen to Mommy talk a whole lot), go back to sleep, repeat except for at night he goes right back to sleep after eating. He's still very sleepy and needs to nap a lot during the day, so he's usually awake 1.5 hours at a time and usually 30 minutes is eating.

Abram and I both look forward to when Daddy comes home from work. And I'm sure Kyler does too. Usually by 5:30 or 6, I need a break from the baby and need time to make dinner, which is fine with Kyler because he's ready for his baby time.

The other night, Kyler had a rough day at work but came home at his normal time, still needing to resolve a few work issues. He plopped down in bed with his computer beside me as I fed the baby and handed him off when we were done. When it was time for the grown ups to eat, I went to check on my boys and found Abram passed out while Kyler was still chugging along with work.

Jeez, I feel like I'm already behind updating everyone on his first month of life. I'm looking at his newborn pictures, thinking about how I never posted any but they're kind of outdated now. Here are a few that we just got in the mail...they were taken at 1 day old. Something happened to our order and we just got them.

Maybe I'll post some more recent pictures later. Kyler's mom is coming tomorrow for a one month photo shoot. We just can't get enough of this cute little man!

1 comment:

  1. Love the update and the pictures! So glad to hear everyone is settling in at the Gray household.
