Sunday, May 20, 2012

Kyler's 6th Grade Wisdom

A few days ago, I was searching through a wide assortment of boxes my parents gave to me. They included sports awards, school yearbooks, old art projects, favorite books, and some old clothes. Among the collections was a simple steno notebook from my 6th Grade Language Arts class. My teacher, Mrs. Mullen, had brief topics she wanted us to write about. I had a good time reading through the entries, and laughed out loud at what I was thinking several times. So, over the next few days, I thought I would entertain you with a few of my interesting writings.


Topic: If I had to quit school today, I would…

I would mow lawns and do other yard work each summer to make money to go to school each year. I would do this until I graduate. Then, I would get a full-ride scholarship through college. Then, I make a choice to be a businessman or a sports star.


Topic: Natural Disasters

I’ve always wanted to be a part of an earthquake that shakes me, but not strong enough to make houses fall. That would be fun to be laying basketball and all the sudden, you start to shake. I think that would be the funnest natural disaster to be a part of. I don’t want to be in a tornado or a hurricane.

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