Friday, July 6, 2012

June Photo Dump

I know. June's over. But I still have June pictures to share. And I'm sure that once we spend a week on the beach vegging out, I'm not going to remember what happened in June. So here it goes...

One of the bluejays we've been seeing around lately. This was one huge bird. We also saw the prettiest indigo bunting last week. Now that is a beautiful bird!

Another deer picture. Sorry I can't help myself. Actually, this one is quite old because our deer have been hiding out in the woods due to the heat. I want a salt block. Kyler thinks it's the craziest thing he's ever heard of. Anyone want to chime in on how normal it would be to get a salt block for the deer to help me convince him we need one?

We love our 'Lil Goodie Shoppe' at the end of our road. Mmmm they have the best ice cream. I'm not sure you can tell in the picture, but they have these 'samples' to look at to choose your order. I love the banana split sample. That's a foam banana with cotton ball whipped cream. Sounds delicious, right?

Fresh strawberries started showing up in the grocery store again. I love me some strawberries. Last summer we had strawberry banana smoothies almost every night, and I decided I wanted one again this summer. Kyler didn't want one this time, so I tried to cut down the serving size...

Apparently failing at my estimate because I barely got half a glass.

Karter's birthday party...

Random rainbow around the sun.

Kyler's parents split part of a beef with us and one of his siblings. This is what our freezer looks like now, stocked up on beef and popscicles.

Kyler's fry-an-egg-on-the-pavement experiment when the temperature was over 100 degrees one day.

No it did not fry.

Now I should probably go find out where he did this and make sure that our pavement is cleaned off. Happy Weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Mama Terry & KarterJuly 6, 2012 at 10:08 AM

    What a waste of a perfectly good egg that some chicken worked so hard to lay!!! I agree with Kara...get a salt block! I definitely would!!! See you in High Point!!!
